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How To Make A Feminine Bedroom More Masculine

Pastel colors are ideal for feminine bedrooms but you can use other colors also just need to use them properly. Beyond the stereotypical associations of pink and blue other colors also contribute to a rooms sense of masculinity or femininity. Using Black To Great Effect Bedroomdesign Propertyrepublic Www Propertyrepublic Com Au Bedroom Design Bedroom Inspirations Single Man Bedroom Rough rustic wood covering a wall is a great design element for such rooms. How to make a feminine bedroom more masculine . Add splashes of muted color to an otherwise neutral palette to soften the space. Try to keep things symmetrical. To achieve cozy atmosphere which will reminiscent of feminine you need to add some decorative details. The darker the better. I think the biggest obstacle when designing a bedroom for a couple is bringing in both masculine and feminine styles. Pastels and pale colors are often more feminine. The chair is the most feminine thing. Color is an obvious way t