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How To Clean My Rubber Tree Plant Leaves

Watering the soil beforehand will help prevent the soil from falling out when the pot is inverted. 1 Fill a plastic spray bottle with water and lightly spritz a clean piece of cloth such as a soft. How To Propagate A Rubber Plant By Air Layering Propagating Plants Plants Trees To Plant Dunk your cloth in water and then squeeze out any excess liquid. How to clean my rubber tree plant leaves . Wear gloves and protect your skin and be careful to avoid getting it in your eyes. Small plants can be cleaned by holding the base of the plant at soil level inverting it into a bucket of water and swishing the leaves under water. Water is a good resource for cleaning leaves. Place this hand under the leaf of the rubber tree plant. Gently wipe both sides of all of the leaves to remove any dust and grime. In fact its the most commonly used. If you like feed your rubber tree with a general-purpose fertilizer at 14 to 12 strength a few times a year especially. In this video I go